Eclore, the art of origami at the service of industrial innovation

Created in 2019, Eclore is a French company specializing in the industrial folding of polymers. Based in Nantes, the activity focuses on the design, production and marketing of products based on a unique folding technology inspired by origami.

We seek to improve existing industrial components by drastically increasing their energy efficiency by reducing weight and size. Research and development are an integral part of our activity, whether on products or production tools.

  • Pierre Gauthier-Le-Boulch CEO Eclore


  • Valérie Viard Responsable Financière Eclore
    Valérie VIARD


  • Mathieu CAZARD Responsable commercial Eclore
    Mathieu CAZARD

    Commercial director
    and Marketing

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  • Lucas Tretour Responsable Mécanique Eclore
    Lucas TRETOUT

    Mechanical Manager

  • Gaëlle DELHOMMEAU Responsable de qualité Eclore

    Quality Manager

  • Ronan Le Gratiet Responsable Informatique & Electronique Eclore
    Ronan LE GRATIET

    IT & Electronics Manager

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They trust us

Eclore develops tailor-made solutions from small to large series.

Soufflets de protection Eclore

The genesis of Eclore, from space to the industrial manufacturing process.

Eclore Actuators was created by Pierre GAUTIER-LE BOULCH after finishing his engineering studies in 2019.

During a university exchange in Seoul, he was trained in the use of folding in the field of space propulsion.

On his return to France, the idea of ​​making this technology accessible to industry led to the creation of a first automated machine . The first promising results transformed the end-of-studies project into the company Eclore.

Pliage Eclore

The vision, industrial folding at the origin of a mechanical revolution.

Revolutionizing mechanics with bio-inspired solutions : our vision is to be a world leader in the field of polymer folding.

We believe that we can contribute to a greener future by offering innovative and sustainable products in congruence with the challenges of our time in terms of energy efficiency.

Learn more
  • EMC2 Partenaire Eclore
  • Atlanpole Partenaire Eclore
  • Réseau Initiative Nantes Partenaire Eclore
  • Proxinnov Partenaire Eclore
  • Logo Union Européenne
  • Logo région Pays de la Loire
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  • Develop solutions for 21st century industry through the industrialization of folding.

  • Offer efficient, sustainable and innovative solutions that meet the needs of the industry.

  • Develop and provide solutions that increase the productivity of industries.

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  • Improve profitability with excellent products designed for the entire life cycle.

  • Reduce environmental impact by simplifying assemblies and promoting recyclability.

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  • Biomimétisme Valeur Eclore


    We draw our inspiration from nature to find innovative solutions for industry.
    We encourage reading and sharing knowledge about biomimicry to foster ideation and drive innovation. We dedicate time each week to showcasing biomimicry case studies to foster learning and inspiration.

  • Apprentissage Valeur Eclore


    At Eclore Actuators, we place paramount importance on continuous learning.
    We believe that an organization can only flourish if its members continue to learn and grow.

  • Respect Valeur Eclore


    Respect between colleagues and towards our customers is at the heart of our ethics.
    We make a point of putting ourselves in the place of our interlocutor to better understand their needs and expectations.

  • Excelllence Valeur Eclore


    We strive for excellence in everything we do. We invest in the continuing training of our employees.
    We also value monitoring our clients to understand their successes and challenges.

  • Innovation Valeur Eclore


    Innovation is our driving force.
    We share and communicate our vision with all of our employees and partners, to give credibility and strengthen our positioning.
    We also encourage technological monitoring and information sharing.

  • Durabilité Valeur Eclore


    We are committed to contributing to a sustainable future.
    We measure the environmental impact of our products compared to those of our competitors and we actively communicate on the performance of our products.

  • i-Nov
  • Le coq vert
  • Le coq bleu
  • Start West
  • Start Innovation
  • Fondation Le Roch les Mousquetaires
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A word from Pierre, founder of Eclore