Your industry

Eclore products in space
The space industry faces unique challenges, such as the need to maximise efficiency while reducing the weight and size of equipment. Protection against the extreme conditions of space and the development of custom deployable solutions are crucial aspects of this industry.
20 to 30%
Protection against micrometeorites can increase the life of satellites by 20-30%, reducing the risk of failure of critical systems.
Thermal protection systems can reduce the degradation of space equipment by up to 40%, extending its life and reliability in orbit.
Thermal management systems also reduce the energy required for thermal control on board satellites, saving fuel and improving energy efficiency by 15%.
Our advantages
Customised solutions
Eclore offers solutions tailored to the specific needs of the space industry, providing maximum customisation.
Our innovative approach, inspired by origami, enables us to design unique solutions for the complex challenges of space.
Weight and space savings
Eclore products are designed to be lightweight, contributing to the weight and space savings that are crucial in the space sector.
Space applications
Development of tailor-made protections in space
Discover how Eclore is pushing the boundaries of space engineering with its solutions designed to withstand the hostile environments of space.
Development of tailor-made protections in spaceDiscover how Eclore is pushing the boundaries of space engineering with its solutions designed to withstand the hostile environments of space.
Development of tailor-made deployable solutions...
Discover how Eclore pushes the limits of space engineering with its tailor-made solutions.
Development of tailor-made deployable solutions...Discover how Eclore pushes the limits of space engineering with its tailor-made solutions.